Effective and Dangerous Christian Pt 1 
Mark 16:15-18, Luke 10:19

We’re going to be looking at being an Effective Christian for the next couple of weeks. Or maybe, I should call it the Dangerous Christian.

Surely as Blood washed Spirit filled Fire Baptized Christians, we should be considered a threat to hell. 

When the devil looks at you, he should see a Dangerous Christian. Not just a believer trying to hold out till Jesus comes, but a true warrior, tearing the devil’s kingdom down.

Let’s Pray: Dear Lord, I claim the promise in Your Word that says, “they will take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it will in no way hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” I believe that You have given us the power to overcome any obstacle or danger that may come our way. I trust in Your protection and healing power, and I pray that You will use us as an instrument of Your love and grace to bring healing and restoration to those who are sick and in need. Thank You for Your faithfulness and for the promises that You have given us in Your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Many years ago, Mario Murrillo coined the phrase... I'm the Christian the devil warned You about.

Question...Are you the Christian the devil warns his Kingdom about? Or do we even show up on his radar?

Does our presence on this planet disturb the devil, or does he even recognize that we're here?

Does the devil see you get up in the morning and say... oh no, they're up again?

Does the devil plug his ears because you speak the Word so much, and you praise God so much?

Does he think he's being Serenaded because you're always speaking negativity, worry, stress, anxiety, fear and doubt, and all the things he really loves to hear?

Sadly, I believe the majority of the Church world doesn't even disturb the devil, much less tear down his Kingdom.

I don't really take any pleasure in saying these things, but somebody must wake up the slumbering church.

Somebody has to blow the trumpet in the ear of the sleepy church and stir her up to the fight.

1 Corinthians 14:8 says... For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?

1 Corinthians 14:8 TLB says... And if the army bugler doesn't play the right notes; how will the soldiers know that they are being called to battle?

I'm sure the bugler who blows the bugle in somebody's ear is not greatly appreciated, but the whole war is dependent upon wide-awake battle-ready saints.

The sight of a slumbering church doesn't disturb the devil at all. But a wide awake, spiritual army, on her feet in full armor, and battle ready, rattles hell.

The truth is, just the sight of the believer, and the sound of their voice, should send shock waves through hell.

Every step you take walking with Jesus, should sound like thunder in the demon’s ears. They should dread being in your presence. They should live in fear that they will identified and evicted.

The devil feared the presence of Jesus, and Paul. The demons of hell knew who Jesus and Paul were.

Why is it that the devil, and the demons of hell don't know who you and I are?

The answer is... because we don't know who we are.

The devil and his demons know who they are. And the devil knows the authority he has. And he knows who doesn't know.

Many Professing Christians foolishly believe that just because they asked Jesus to come into their heart, that from then on, they are protected, and empowered, and seated in a place of power and authority over the devil.

That would be nice, but it isn't even close to true.

What is true is that Jesus alive in your heart is the source from which everything originates and flows and burst into manifestation.

But there are conditions and requirements for walking and living in the Power of God.

# 1 You have to know who you are in Christ.

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

# 2 You have to live in fellowship and union with Jesus.

Being a church goer doesn't make You a Christian, any more than parking a Pinto under a Cadillac sign makes it a Cadillac.

My goal is to make us an Effective and Dangerous Christian, I want to be radioactive to the devil. I want us to be the devil’s Kryptonite, so that when he sees us and hears our voice, he goes weak in the knees.

I know in the last year or so, especially in the last few months, we have placed quite a bit of emphasis on our country, and elections, etc. because it was such a critical time and decision for our country, and really the world.

But it doesn’t solve the spiritual problems in the lives of people; that takes a real relationship with Jesus.

I feel the Holy Spirit saying that it is time now to build up the saints.

We have got to get back to the business of not just survival, we have got to get the body of Christ in shape. We have got to devote our time to getting the church in the best shape she's ever been in.

We won a round in a war, but the war is still raging, and we need battle ready Christians that are built up in the faith, and trained in spiritual warfare, who know how to use the weapons they've been given.

When the devil looks at Maranatha Church - I want him to see an Effective church. Dangerous to him and his demonic agenda.

There was a time in my life that due to working physically hard, exercising hard and even playing hard I developed muscles. (I know that’s hard to believe now) They weren't just for show, what you could see was actually an insight into my physical strength. 

I would look at things that used to be heavy, and difficult or impossible for me, and I would just laugh because I knew I could handle it.

When somebody needed something heavy moved, they would call me, because they knew I was strong, and I could handle it.

That's what I feel the Holy Spirit telling me... I want my people dangerous to hell.

I want to develop their spiritual muscles, so that when hell hits them with something, they will just laugh, because they know who they are in Christ. 

Because they know the power that's been invested in them, and because they know the authority they have.

When the devil looks at you, he should see Jesus. When the devil hears you talk, he should be hearing Jesus.

There is no legitimate reason that any Christian should be defeated by the devil. Please don't misquote me. I didn't say Christians wouldn't have hard battles.

The Bible has made it very clear that we can expect trials, and tests of every kind.

Peter said...1 Peter 4:12 KJV Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial, which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you.

Psalm 34:19 KJV says...Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.

Paul told us that we will go through hard places, but instead of breaking us, it should battle harden us.

2 Timothy 2:3 KJV says...Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

A true high-quality knife or sword is basically worthless until it is hardened. And to be hardened, it has to be put in the fire. The fire is a necessary part of making the weapon strong, and useful.

The fire is not to kill you. The fire is part of the process of making us dangerous Christians.

I remember going to a school for a track meet, it was a wealthy school district. Everything they had was top notch. They had every modern and new weight training equipment that was on the market. It made our school look like a training room for toddlers tikes.

But here is what I understood... it didn't really matter how much more expensive, or more advanced their equipment was, the only thing that really mattered was how they used what they had.

I want to say we are on a higher level than the kingdom of darkness in every way. Everything we have is better, and more powerful, and more efficient than what is available to the devil’s side. 

But the deciding factor is... Are we using what we have?  Are we...Building ourselves up on our most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost every day?

Studying the word daily? Praying, and worshipping, and meditating on the Lord, day and night?

Do we have an inventory of what our spiritual weapons are?

Do we know how to use our weapons?
Are we full of the Spirit, or are we running on fumes?

Ephesians 5:17-20 says, Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. [18] And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; [19] Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; [20] Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

The literal translation of that verse is, be filled, and keep on being filled, even to excess. Overflowing in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

It literally means to be under the strong influence of the Holy Spirit, like a person is when they are drunk.

This is likely the reason that on the day of Pentecost, they mocked them and accused them of being drunk.

Acts 2:13 says... Others mocking them said, these men are full of new wine.

They didn't understand what was happening, but they couldn't deny that something was having a visible and indisputable effect upon all those who were in the upper room.

It is critical that we understand that we are in a spiritual battle. It is raging every day. Hell is on the rampage. And the fact is, warfare is not going away, we simply must learn how to fight.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Paul the apostle said, though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strong holds, the casting down imaginations, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Let me bring some perspective. You could spend an hour a day every day, walking through the gym, examining all the different equipment, and being impressed by the highly developed physics of those who have been diligently working out. But if you don't move to the next level, and start pumping those weights, nothing will ever happen.

Sure, you're in the right place = the gym, everything you need is present and available. But until you take hold of those weights, and start pushing them, or walking or running on that tread mill, nothing will ever change.

The same is true spiritually. We can be spiritually serving T-bone steak every Sunday, but if you don't eat it, you'll always be the spiritual 98 pound weakling.

We can teach you who the Bible says you are, and the weapons you have, and how to use them, but if you don't engage, take hold, and start doing the work, you're always going to be fearful, and anxious, and worried, and defeated. 

And when you are confronted by the devil, you will try running away from him. 

This should never happen to a child of God... When Goliath confronted, and shouted his death threats at David, David did not tuck his head and run off.

The Bible says David hasted and ran at the giant, swinging his slingshot.

Then David let the stone go and it sunk into Goliath’s forehead, and Goliath fell to the ground, and David ran and stood upon the Giant, drawing Goliath's own Sword, and cutting off his head.

How many would agree that David was dangerous?

God wants to make us dangerous Christians. The devil should wince in pain when he hears our name spoken.

That Bible you carry under your arm or in your purse is the sword of the spirit. It is nuclear blasting power to the Kingdom of darkness. It is your greatest weapon against the devil, but not under your arm, or in your purse... It has to get in your heart and come out of your mouth.

With the Word, God created the heavens and the earth.
With the Word, Jesus cast out over 2,000 devils.
With the Word, Jesus cursed the fig tree, and it died.
With the Word, Jesus called Lazareth from the grave.
With the Word, Jesus defeated the devil in the wilderness temptation.
With the Word, Jesus opened blind eyes, unstopped deaf ears, healed the centurion’s servant, and raised Jairus daughter from the dead.
With the Word Jesus calmed the raging storm.

And here's what Jesus did, He gave us His Word, and He gave us His name, and He gave us the right = the authority to use His Word and His name.

And then He gave us His Holy Spirit to empower us. And He said... the works that I do shall ye do also, and greater works than these shall ye do, because I go to my father.

I’m believing there is a new breed of believers rising up in this hour, they are the bold, the persuaded, the anointed, the committed, and the dangerous.

I’m believing the day of the casual Christian is over. This is the day of the dangerous Christian.

Whether you like President Trump or not is not the point here. But I heard Lara Trump say something the other day about President Trump's cabinet choices. She said they are disruptors.

When she said that, I felt it go off in my spirit. That is what God is calling for in the Kingdom right now. Not negotiators, or compromisers, or those who just go along and get along... He is looking for and calling for disruptors.

The dictionary defines a disruptor as... A person or thing that interrupts an event, activity, or process by causing a disturbance or problem. Someone who seeks to challenge the status quo to create innovative solutions, processes, and strategies that yield positive results and growth.

A disruptor is necessary, because they interrupt the casual, comfortable, and the established pattern of things.

They are often looked on in an unfavorable light because they resist the settled conformity, and established norms. They are always stretching, and pushing the envelope, to reach greater results.

A true disruptor may make trouble for the establishment, because the establishment controls everything, and everyone through conformity to the establishment.

Whether you know it or not, a true fire baptized Christian is by definition a spiritual disruptor....

Romans 12:1-2 KJV says...

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. [2] And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

So here is the point... I feel that same mandate spiritually speaking is on the church. Jesus said work while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work.

We are in a season of great opportunity, but we have to seize the day. We have to move aggressively and boldly against the evil and the darkness in our world.

This is not the season for tiptoeing through the tulips with Tiny Tim. This is the season for disrupting the plans and the works of the devil.

The word disrupt means... to interrupt, interfere, to confuse, to upset, to unsettle, to obstruct, to ruin, to wreck, to discontinue.

Do we have any disruptors in the house of the Lord today? Do we have any Christians who want to interrupt, interfere, upset, unsettle, confuse, wreck, and discontinue the devil’s efforts?

This is the time that we take back the airwaves, and the atmosphere in our country. 

This is the time to destroy the spirit of political correctness in our country, which was really the trojan horse that brought in lgbtq+, and transgenderism, body mutilation, and sexual exploitation of our children.

Our battle is not a natural battle with flesh and blood.

The Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 KJV... For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

In this season I’m believing God is raising up Effective Dangerous Christians who are spiritual disruptors.

Am I speaking to anybody who is sick and tired of what the devil has been doing to our country... our children and grandchildren. 

There has been an all-out attack on the family unit. And the turning of our schools into a propaganda machine.

Is anyone here ready to be an armed and Dangerous Christian?

In Jesus’ Name Amen!  
